
"Quarterly Challenge" begins JULY 2024

Find out come along and enliven your spiritual journey along with others as we take on a challenge theme each quarter

The Quarterly Challenge…what is it?

It’s a chance to show up in deeper ways.
Each quarter of a year will have its own theme.
Each month you will be offered a theme-related Challenge that we all complete.

What sort of Challenge?

❇️ It might be a book or a passage to read and reflect on.

❇️ It might be reimagining an aspect of your life using art (photos, music, painting, collage, dance, play, script, essay/short story, etc).

❇️ It might be learning and engaging with a (new or not new to you) spiritual practice that I will introduce at the beginning. After a month of trying it, then sharing a bit of what your experience was like. (whether that’s privately or publicly is up to you)

❇️ It might be to engage in an experience in nature or with someone else that is spiritually gratifying.

❇️ It might be to hear a piece of music, view a work of art, or read a poem and then pray with what those evoke and journal about the experience over the course of a month.

The specific Challenges and Themes are Coming in July.

✅ Each challenge will ask something of you: To show up, authentically.

✅ The assignment per month will not feel like a burden.

✅ You can participate as much or as little as you please.
• Only remember this, the Challenge is offered for your benefit and ultimately for the collective benefit of the Challenge community, so please join the Challenge for that Quarter, only if you plan to complete it.

The cost is ZERO $
(But, you must register at my Patreon site to be included)

There, on that site, you will get the Challenges, details, exclusive materials (like essays, videos, poems, art) that will be delivered on that site.

⭐️ For a Premium Experience you can go deeper still. We can discuss your Challenge experiences—your process and outcomes privately, one-to-one.

This adds a spiritual companioning element and centers on your reflections, journal entries, and spiritual quandaries as it relates to the challenge or themes. This is available when you contribute support here at PATREON at $35 a month. We can work out the details between us, if you are interested in a higher degree of Challenge experience engagement during the process.

to help me know what you need.


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