In January, I slowly rolled out something new. A product you could buy. It’s something special.
Not everyone likes reading books or listening to podcasts—which is what I have been up to for the last ten years.
Sometimes what catalyzes reflection and insights needs to be more visual and interactive.
Enter: The Mapping Era.
Here’s the opportunity to dig in and learn more:
• Why do the same patterns occur in your relationships?
• Why do the same wounds, habits, and hurts surface for you again and again?
• Why is genuine connection hard to find?
These questions and many more reveal their answers through the new product (tool) and it’s time to get started. It’s an experience you’ve never had before.
❇️ The Mapping Tool is also excellent for use in ministry, counseling, education, coaching, spiritual companioning, or mentoring.
🛟 If YOU work with others, come on as a PARTNER to offer this to those you help and add more value while also enjoying referral rewards.
Thanks to some willing participants, we are at the next level. Now offered is not just a custom-created map for each person, but customized results in presentation form to help you all the more.
The video is the presentation was for Chris H., and used with permission here, so you can see what you get from the experience.
Below are some custom maps—they belong to actual people and represent their inner world, based on their responses.
Does it have desert?
Each map is custom-created as a VISUAL representation based on responses to the survey and assessment tools in the Inner Terrain mapping product.
Try it for yourself!
The introductory price is only $15
~for a limited time~

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