Poet Rilke invites us to "Live the Questions"
Lovely conversation with award-winning Rilke translator Mark S. Burrows
It’s time for the soul care of poetry!
Mark S. Burrows is back and this conversation is a delight.
My highlights of what’s covered:
The magic of Rilke’s invitations to us
Translations of Rilke’s poety from Mark S. Burrows
Living the Questions
Death, the open gate (open in both directions)
Quantum Physics and entaglements with other souls
Linear time (Rilke refused this myth)
God in the flow and is The Flow (or the Open) not fixed
The sentience of life and God experiencing all forms of life
Dance the Orange poem
Pushing back on mechanization that dehumanises us
We should not ensoul machines and become alienated from the earth our homeland, and what we are
We find wholeness in belonging to each other and being part of a wholeness and life
Quiet friend on many distances (sonnet)
Rilke’s generosity and how he invites us to imitate that, which is soul care in the plural
Rilke’s overflow of poetic output coming from love
born in 1875 - This year marks the 100th anniversary of his brith
Find Mark’s books on Rilke, his own poems, and other work and books of translations including Meister Eckhart.
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